September 14th - Our Treatment

The Concept

The song wehave chosen to use is called Fitzpleasure and the artist name we have created is PARAdox. For our music video we plan to use two of the three key music video styles, narrative and concept. We use a narrative of a man being tormented by himself, going insane and eventually beating it. We use concept in order to exaggerate the madness by making it look like he is crazy and singing to himself. Finally we intend to use special effects to make it look like he is being confronted by himself. And another that sees him rise up out of his own body. There are a few different locations we want to film. One is a run down old building, preferably derelict to represent his mind. Another location needs to be a big dining room so he can be presented to his friends at a tea party, and finally we wish to create a running scene where he travels from a morbid place to a happy place like a field. The pace and tone of the video will hopefully follow the songs feel because we used a visualisation technique to help plan our video. We wrote down what we saw so it should be pretty parallel.

Artist Style and Form

For our artist we decided he would be a solo artist. We wanted to make him, essentially, a slim figured gentleman so he would be appealing to the female audience. In our head we had an idea of Adam Ant meets MGMT meets Empire Of The Sun meets Noel Fielding meets Spector meets Calvin Harris and Pro Green. This is because of the song Fitzpleasure. It is a strange song and the both the lyrics and sound of the singing don't follow conventions. The music speaks for itself so in order to appeal to the largest possible audience we need the artist to essentially take two person as; off stage and on stage.  It's a rather vivid idea but to go along with his strange appearance we wanted a very leveled and mature. We wanted a Cambridge graduate this is again based on the song, the contextual references and the subtly behind the lyrics make him seem very clever and this level of thought the dedication continues through the whole of Alt-J's album.  It's a weird image to try and get your head around but it works in ours. 


There are two special effects which I’m not entirely sure how to edit correctly just yet and they’re quite ambitious. One is the split screen effect where Rhys approaches himself and the other is an eye zoom transition where it looks like it zooms out of his eye and into another scene. But we can always leave it out. As well as this we think we may struggle filling up the time because there is a large portion of the song that is repetitive. Our back up plans would be to edit the song and remove 30 or so seconds of the loop. Also, in the spirit of charity and awareness Rhys will be partaking in Movember, due to this filming for November will be out because of continuity. So we will focus our efforts elsewhere.

Target Audience

Using our questionnaire and Alt-J's own demographic we decided to target an audience between the age of 15-24. Our focus group confirmed this with the great percentage of them enjoying the song and the majority of them visualising video ideas compared to the older group we asked. The fact that Alt-J's songs are played on Radio 1 and XFM as well as being popular on YouTube also confirm 15-24 as the most appropriate range.


For our location we wanted a few different places. The main bulk of the filming we're hoping to find a run down old building or like an old hospital, which shows madness, a feel of broken, abandoned. Something spooky and a little freaky. On top of that we need contrasting, highly friendly and colourful places, and then one in the middle, the idea in our head is very Alice In Wonderland-esk this will represent a "happy place" which also reinforces the madness.


There is a huge range of technology we are using and going to use in order to complete our project. For starters we need computers to connect and create our blog, do research on websites such as YouTube, Google, Blogger. We also need a camcorder and maybe a still camera. On top of that we are going to need editing software. 

Here's basically all we need.