June 21st - Music Video Textual Analysis

For my textual analysis of music videos I was given The Human League – Don’t You Love Me?

The video was hard to follow because it was about them being in a film or being filmed and then them watching the film and two of the women looked similar but with different coloured hair, and because she was an actor I wasn’t sure if it was her or not.

Anyway, I saw that the video was almost wholly narrative based. This is because it told the story of two people in love and only had about 30-40 seconds of performance based lip-syncing. It’s basically impossible to tell what the genre is directly from the visuals. The man is plainly dressed and offers no insight and there are no performance based instrument shots - but the genre is electro-pop.

There is a slight relationship between the lyrics and the visuals, for instance the man and woman are together at the start when he is singing about them meeting, and as the woman walks away she sings “I still love you” and looks back the plainly dressed gentleman.Between the music and visuals, however, there is no match. The video’s theme is very ambiguous and could be any genre at all.

Looking plays a small part, but less treating woman as sexual objects but being deeply in love and a bit stalker-ish.

The Paramore video was much easier to follow than The Human League’s.
Firstly, it was easy to tell what the genre was based on the bands instruments, what they were wearing, their stances and how they moved around when they were being filmed, this makes it a performance based video but it is a narrative because the lyrics tell the story that the video presents about a girl and her boyfriend but she keeps cheating on her but because she keeps listening to what her heart says over what her brain is telling her to do she keeps going back to him.
The only link to the visuals from the music is the live performance the band makes and the lip-syncing by Hayley, other than that there is nothing.
Although we usually know the lead singer is the star because of how much we hear them on any given track it is made abundantly clear that she is the star of the video as well. On top of the live performance she is in she also gets her own mid-shot where she lip-syncs about 30% of the song.

The main theme of this video is about a man cheating on his girlfriend, and that’s the reason the song was written so objectifying and not caring for women is rife in this song and video.