June 19th - Different types of Music video

So it turns out there is 3 different types of music video.
Performance, Narrative and Concept.

Performance based is where the video focusses on showing footage of the band or artist performing and playing their instruments. Most songs have some performance based in it, but very few are pretty much purely performance based - one that popped to mine was Foo Fighters - The Pretender.

Check it out!

Narrative based is where the music has a narrative and the video follows it.
One video that came to mine for this was R.Kelly's - Trapped in the Closet. Which literally tells the story of what he is singing.

Take a ganders. (there are another 21 where that came from, but who has time for that? (Me.))

The final type is Concept. This is where it gets a bit wacky. The video is usually quite obscure or surreal for the audience and uses a lot of special effects.

Here's the famous girl kisser Katy Perry with fellow stage stomper Kanye West in the Concept Narrative of an inter-special, inter-planetary love story.

Fun for the whole family.