June 11th - What Does Music Mean To Me?

They're coming thick and fast these posts.

I'm here to talk about what music means to me, so without any further ado.

A song from when I was a kid - The House that Jack Built

It's not strictly a song, but the version I used to watch was a song. But I couldn't find it.

I used to listen to and watch the video of this song every time I went to my nan's house when I was young and so did my brother and sister. It's probably the only nursery rhyme I remember learning and singing that wasn't from school. There's not much really to say about it, it's a little nursery rhyme that I used to love and shared with my brother and sister.

A song when I was a early teen - Green Day - American Idiot

Again, this doesn't really mean that much to me. But as an early teen this was my favourite band. I used to sit and listen to this album on my CD player over and over again and it was the first album I learnt pretty much all the way through. I used to play Call Of Duty with it on as well. 

A song now. Canterbury - More Than Know

Anything by Canterbury really. I love this band to pieces because they play such great music but it's a mix of rock and soft alternative. It's all I really listen to in the car. And they're damn catchy!

As you can probably tell I'm not a very deep person. I play and listen to music for enjoyment and have never really been all that good at reading into things. I tend to think people generally lack depth and people who try and see a singers motive for writing lyrics other than they sound cool or they rhyme are trying to hard.
Maybe I'm wrong...

But probably not.