December 3rd - Digipak designs and track listings.

Rhys and I are still brain storming about how best to do our digipak. We're back on the blurry face idea but also want to use the multiplicity idea for the inside covers. We intend to try a panorama shot with multiple uses of the artist throughout.
We would use multiplicity and photo-stitching and the photo would be across all 3 of the inside panels. Rhys is doing some preliminary designs which I shall upload later.

As well as making huge leaps forward in our designs we also completed our track listing.
Please excuse the morbidity, it's just part of how our artist defines himself.

1. Asphyxiation
2. Paralytic
3. It Is What It Is
4. Perplex
5. Betrayal
6. Craving
7. Incarceration
8. It Is What It Isn't
9. Fitzpleasure
10. Delusion Illusion
11. Vividity
12. Exhalation

Those are our track names. The track names suggest a journey through feelings that the artist had whilst writing the songs or story he made up.
The narrative basically starts with him choking and running out of breathe and ends with him essentially coming out of the rough patch and finally exhaling. Which could be taken as him dying or him surviving.