November 23rd - Album Cover and Multiplicity

In today lesson we began by mapping out the positioning of where to place everything on our digipack. This moved us quickly on to the subject of what our main cd album cover should be. We have previously played around with the idea of Jack our artist being our main focused and to blur his face, like so.

however we felt being a new artist the public will need to be able to identify him. After a quick brain storm we came up with the idea of having Jack in the same shot but more than once, possibly in different clothing each time. This would be relevant to the scattered thoughts and many personalities shown in our video. We took same sample shots of Rhys in various places in the class room, followed by further research into this technique and how we can achieve it. The correct term for this process is called multiplicity photography.
The technique for multiplicity is really easy to do in photoshop.

So it's later on, on the friday. I've got home and the pictures from school didn't load. So I had to retake some pictures. I tried with my guitar before my brother magically arrived home but here are the Multiplicity edits I did. I'm so happy with them!